Hello, I’m Erik
Full-Stack Developer

Erik Vojtas
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”
Albert Einstein

Life is a journey not a destination
In our fast-paced world, we often forget the beauty of life’s journey. We focus on reaching goals, ticking off tasks, and lose sight of its profound truth.
Full-Stack Developer @ ÖGK/ Linz (Austria) / 12/2023 – now
Full-Stack Developer @ solvistas GmbH/ Linz (Austria)
11/2020 – 11/2023
Developing web applications using technologies: Java, Spring, Angular, Python, JSF, JS, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap…
Web Developer @ IMC FH Krems / Krems an der Donau (Austria)
08/2020 – 09/2020
Developing web applications using technologies: Python, Django framework, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap…
Web Developer @ self-employed / Linz (Austria)
06/2018 – 06/2020
Developing web applications using technologies: WordPress, Divi Themes Framework, CSS…
Experience of 4 countries

This is my current residence, where I obtained my IT qualification and now hold a position at an IT company. I find myself captivated by the breathtaking natural beauty of Austria.

This place has expanded my understanding of spirituality. I continue to be amazed by the genuine happiness of the people in Myanmar. It serves as a living testament to the saying: “true happiness transcends material wealth.”

United Kingdom
The United Kingdom is a country with a rich blend of cultures. I am captivated by the warmth and friendliness of its people, and their relentless passion for football.

Slovakia is a place where I grew up. While I may not agree with everything happening in the country, I cherish the connections I have with the people I know from there.